Дракон Белквинита.

Day 2 - Favorite character. Battle with the world for self-acceptance or how I got unrealistically high standards for female characters: Fall-from-Grace (Planescape:Torment)

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I believe there is a truth to the multiverse... even if that truth is that there is no truth at all. I believe that the Planes are meant to be experienced, and the more one experiences, in traveling, in joy, in pain, in merriment or in suffering, the more the multiverse reveals itself to you... And the more you are revealed to yourself.

How do I begin to explain Grace? Do I start with the fact that she's a subversion of a horde of most popular female character's tropes and that it was her conscious choice? That she's a representation of a survivor, and not only she didn't let her abusers ruin her life, she also changed herself from a victim into a healer and mentor? That she's so badass, she literally fought with the hostile universe's expectations of her and decided to be better than that? She's so much more and she never stops getting better.

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