wow, what a question, thanks!
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wow, what a question, thanks!
Day 2 - Favorite character. Battle with the world for self-acceptance or how I got unrealistically high standards for female characters: Fall-from-Grace (Planescape:Torment)
I believe there is a truth to the multiverse... even if that truth is that there is no truth at all. I believe that the Planes are meant to be experienced, and the more one experiences, in traveling, in joy, in pain, in merriment or in suffering, the more the multiverse reveals itself to you... And the more you are revealed to yourself.
How do I begin to explain Grace? Do I start with the fact that she's a subversion of a horde of most popular female character's tropes and that it was her conscious choice? That she's a representation of a survivor, and not only she didn't let her abusers ruin her life, she also changed herself from a victim into a healer and mentor? That she's so badass, she literally fought with the hostile universe's expectations of her and decided to be better than that? She's so much more and she never stops getting better.
All I can offer is my personal opinion, obviously, so I won’t add “for my taste” to every sentence, but it’s implied. So I think for cool magic system you should think about:
1. a) - the place and relation of magic in the grand scheme of your universe
b) - the relation between magic and a person practicing it.
I think in the best examples those points are connected. Like in “Mage the Ascension”, where magic basically represent different views and ways of exploration of the world AND the never-ending personal growth that lets you to affect the world with your beliefs more the stronger you get. Or the upcoming “Pillars of Eternity”, where magic and all “special” effects like paladin’s aura and etc, are actually come from the same source within each person - their soul. But those powers act and manifest differently because of the different talents, beliefs and training of each individual. (btw I think it’s freaking awesome metaphysical idea, everyone go preorder this game).
So, I think the greatest cases is when magic is a bridge between a person and the world, allowing mage to express their individuality and simultaneously learn of the hidden mechanics of the universe.
2. How magic manifests in your universe.
I mean, fireballs are boring, right? They are ok, but you’d want to have something unique for your world, because otherwise what’s the point of world-building? Magic effects can vary depending on:
types: necromancy, summoning, illusion, that kind of thing, but depending on your unique world. Even if there are isn’t such drastically different schools of magic, what are the types of specialist mages in your world? What combination of skills and talents they need for some specific purpose (like, idk, mages that can control weather and calm storms will be found on the ships and will probably know a lot about sailing and related stuff) Even from a practical point of view, if not a metaphysical.
locations: local specifics are fun! Take Planescape: Torment. Sentient magical rats, smoking a Death Cloud through a pipe, thinking with portals, “I’ve just returned from Hell and I’m going to send you there with my 9 level spell!” So much more fun than just fireballs, right?
mage: but if it fits the meta? As if, changing the effects/spells depending on the traits and personality of a caster.
3. Social reaction to magic.
Because if there are people who can throw a fireball at you in any moment, you’ve gotta have some opinion about it.
Is magic kept in secret from the outside world? How?
Harry Potter, though it doesn’t put any effort in actual hiding, and World of Darkness, where being outed is an actual risk and there are organizations who hunt mages.
If people are aware of existence of the magic, how do they react? Well, it depends on several factors, and I’m going to show it in compassion of DnD (free mages, it’s kinda a respectable occupation)vs Dragon Age (mages are kept under surveillance by a special order and feared) Why people aren’t mad at mages in DnD?
Well, dnd is balanced game. Sometimes it’s a shit balance, but still. Low level mages in DnD can be killed by a critical success of a burp and all they can do is throw sparks at you or make you feel clumsy for a minute. Not very scary, right? It takes a long time for mages to become really dangerous and not many make it to high levels.
In Dragon Age mage is maybe slightly more killable than a fighter, but generally on the same level. And fireball is a first level spell. You can set a crowd on fire on the first level. And one possessed untrained KID is capable of killing off the entire castle and a village. ONE KID. So yeah, kinda alarming, yeah?
Also, in DnD you can learn magic. You can study and learn magic, and you can have powers of a different kinds - divine spells, nature spells, hellish spells, whatever. Magic is not exclusive.
In Dragon Age you have to be randomly born with it and there is nothing you can equal to it’s power. It’s very dangerous and it’s not accessible, that’s why other people are so scared of mages and Tevinter empire conquered half of the world.
So here are the criterias: is magic a “gift” or it can be learned? Is there is something of an equal power to balance it out? If it can’t be learned, how often mages are born? How powerful magic actually is and on what it depends? How hard and long is the training? How long does it take to cast a spell and does it require the preparation and ingredients?
I think the main differences between PS:T and most games that try to “give hard choices” to players, is that PS:T asks questions aimed at ethics and other games deal in morals.
There’s a big difference between morals and ethics. Morals are judging the *results* of actions based on public good\opinions. If people are happy, it was a good decision. If people are sad (or dead) it was a bad decision. So the most “hard” questions these games can come up with look like “if you do A then first group of people will be happy and the second group will be unhappy. if you do B, then… it will be the other way! What do you do??? ”
Ethics is way more complicated, because they judge *intentions* based on person’s own worldview\code\principles\etc. When people say that PS:T, Kotor2, Mask of the Betrayer are centered around personal journeys, it means that these games ask questions aimed at ethics, not public opinions. These questions are much more intricate and diverse and they may sound differently for different people depending on their worldviews. Also, everyone dealt with morals in their lives, but not everyone has ethics - or developed ethics for that matter. You can’t not notice moral questions, but you can easily miss ethical ones if the subject isn’t included in your own set of principles.
That’s why these games are subtle and that’s why the mystical beast of “grey morality” that, say, bioware tries to catch for years, actually works for them.
You *can* have decisions that raise both moral and ethical questions. Fallout New Vegas did it, and Fallout series in general is good in this (excluding F3 because Bethesda). The game asks you questions that are ethical in nature, but your reputation - people’s opinion of you - changes depending on your actions. And different groups have different opinions based on their own agenda.
To have both morals and ethics is actually pretty hard, because for most people, they are not even connected. As in, what you expect from yourself is in no way depends on what you demand from other people. To have both ethics and morals in the game means you have to devise a function, something that makes correlation between two variables.
f(x)=y, where x - ethical choice, y - moral (public good\opinion) consequences.
As I said, FNV did it. Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines kinda tried but didn't really manage the morals feedback part.
Dishonored did it too, though in much more simplified form, because there were only two choices for x.
Most of Kreia’s questions and speeches in Kotor2 are aimed at trying to help player make this correlation, this bridge between his ethics and morals. The most obvious example is her dialog\speech about helping a beggar.
The whole of PS:T is a story of how personal (ethical) choices can affect the whole universe.
Mask of The Betrayer puts you in the position of a victim of OTHERS ethical choices and asks you which of these you will forgive, how you’ll deal with consequences and what choices you will make yourself. (I can elaborate if anyone wants me to on these three, but idk you have to play it to get it)
Dragon Age 2 is a sad example of trying to do f(x)=y without understanding that (x) is a variable. Dragonfall on the contrary, is a great example at how you succeed at putting players in a position of "Champion" and face them with ethical choices that will affect people they feel responsible for.